Lead Generation

Generate Qualified Leads For Any Medical Service

When you need to bring in new qualified leads for your medical services fast, but don’t want to give live lectures or seminars, this is the service you want.

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Laser-Focused Lead Quality

One of the things that really sets our campaigns apart is our attention to detail in targeting only the highest qualified leads.

Because we’ve invested millions of dollars into these highly targeted campaigns, our team of experts knows how to get the most out of the targeting options available on each platform. In most cases we are targeting high net worth individuals that are willing and able to purchase the higher ticket, cash-based services that our clients offer. In each campaign we create multiple layers of targeting to make sure that you’re getting only the best quality leads. Prospects must meet all of the targeting criteria to see your ads.

Direct Response Marketing Approach

Your Lead Generation campaign will be created using tested and proven direct response marketing techniques and ad copy. Our professional copywriters have created some of the highest performing and most profitable medical marketing campaigns ever created.
“Branding” campaigns (e.g. “Have a coke and a smile”) are nice when you have a 6 figure advertising budget.
But when every penny counts and you need to see a direct Return On Investment (ROI) from your marketing, you need a campaign like this that delivers measurable results that can be attributed back to a simple Cost Per Lead.

No Contracts Or Long Term Commitments

As with all of our marketing services, we don’t require you to sign any kind of long term contract. We believe in earning your business each and every day, month after month.
That being said, we do ask that if you’re going to make an investment into growing your practice with a lead generation campaign, that you do go into it planning on giving it at least 3 months to really get up to speed and then make the decision to continue beyond that point.
Depending on the market and the services being offered (particularly with high ticket, cash-based services in competitive markets) it may take a month or two to get the right targeting, and the right offer, really dialed in.
While we should definitely be bringing in new leads from the very first month, you’ll see that the campaign really begins to deliver at around the second to third month.

Immediate Lead Notices + Full Sales CRM + Semi-Weekly Detailed Reporting

While you (or your sales person) will be receiving both email and text notices immediately as each new lead comes in, you'll also have 24/7 access to your own complete Sales CRM system to track every lead, every communication, and the “next steps” as each lead moves through your sales process.
You'll also receive a detailed campaign report spreadsheets twice each week so you can be confident that no one is falling through the cracks.

Custom Patient Engagement Funnels

This is where you begin to really separate your program from the competition in your market. A Patient Engagement Funnel is a complete marketing system that is put into place to capture, convince and convert new prospects into patients.

High-Converting Landing Page

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Pricing Plan

Best Pricing Package

Basic Plan

  • Landing page design (10 pages)
  • Domin hosting provider
  • HTML+CSS design (12 pages)
  • Online support (24/7)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • WordPres development
$ 248 Monthly
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Standard Plan

  • Landing page design (10 pages)
  • Domin hosting provider
  • HTML+CSS design (12 pages)
  • Online support (24/7)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • WordPres development
$ 452 Monthly
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Premium Plan

  • Landing page design (10 pages)
  • Domin hosting provider
  • HTML+CSS design (12 pages)
  • Online support (24/7)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • WordPres development
$ 682 Monthly
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